Three years ago I discovered a new condiment that is not only tasty but amazingly good for your digestion, yes you have guessed it Sauerkraut! Now I have it everyday and want to share the joy of Kraut with you all.
My handmade sauerkraut and kimchi are made by me, Alice Savage, a holistic nutritionist and trained chef. I firmly believe in the power of high quality food. These wild fermented products are full of probiotics, rich in nutrients and minerals. These fermented vegetables will work to support your good health!
An unpasteurized, natural product made right here in BC, Canada with organic and locally sourced ingredients..
Spring is here and we are all wanting to spend more time outside. What is better than hanging out at the farmers markets? Support your local producers, they all work very hard and have some high quality products that I love and I am sure you will too.
This year I will be at Squamish Farmers Market twice a month, my home town. There will be a few dates where Janelle LeClair will be standing in for me, she is a lovely lady and fellow nutritionist. I will be either in Vancouver at another market or spending time with my family near and far.
I will also be at the Kitsilano Farmers Market and Trout Lake Farmers Market this summer, sharing a stall with the lovely Tempea peeps! See the dates below and mark them in your calendar.