Every Day Detox
with Alice Savage
Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Chef
A series of 5 Classes focused on improving your health through food. You will receive recipes, experience hands-on learning and enjoy refreshments. Take home valuable information for your journey for optimum health.
Location: Private Retreat in Paradise Valley, Squamish Time: 6.30 pm -8.30pm
Friday May 10th : Everyday Detox
Friday May 17th : Fermented Foods
Friday May 24th : Fats that Heal
Friday May 31st : Sweet Treats, no refined sugar!
$49.00 per class
$135.00 for 3 classes
$200.00 for all 5 classes
Please e-mail me to register: info@alicesavage.com Or use my contact form here to express your interest